Member-only story
So what does Beth Moore think of gays?
The Evangelical leader is leading . . . somewhere.

The story seems to sort of begin in 2009, when a teenage boy in North Carolina, amid depression and suicidal thoughts, tells his mom he’s gay. She’s shocked, naturally, and she’s known for years. As she’ll write: “We’d had inklings all along, ever since he was about 3 years old, that he was just different. His interests, even then, were dressing up in his sister’s tutus, twirling around the room like a ballerina, and playing in my Tupperware.”
Subtle cues a mother picks up on?
Later, as a gesture for National Coming Out Day, the mother decides to write Beth Moore, the Evangelical woman’s leader, and one of the most homophobic humans on the planet.
Meredith Indermaur tells her Christian story.
I saw it as a moral failure, a lie, a rebellion, and an abandonment of who he really was. I wondered where my husband and I had gone wrong as parents. No thanks to James Dobson, we had been led to believe that our parenting was to blame somehow, but we didn’t fit the mold of those gay-making parents to which Dobson referred. What, then? Had we not prayed enough? Taken our son to church enough? Was the problem that we were in a mainline rather than in a non-denominational church? Should we have forced him…